Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Half-way into our new school year.

This has been a challenging year with 2 year old in tow.  Sometimes we school, sometimes we don't.....  Homeschooling overseas with all its challenges like language, friends, neighbours, car breaking down, time spend looking for a new one, thinking of moving house..... I am amazed that my kids actually learn anything.  So what have we been doing this past couple of months?

Making a get well card for our friend Maya in South Africa

Making a cel

This is our cell, with a chocolate nucleus

Making a mosaic

Watching Lollos next to the laundry

Making a writing tablet from the age of the early Romans

I can write in this tablet

Roman clay toys

Ancient scrolls

Making music

This is so cool, Learning about circuits

Making an aquaduct from lego

This is your skin..... cooool!

Some of our history books we are working on

And some more.... Galen was quit interesting.

Learning about Constantine

Adding everything we learn to our own timeline --- 

This is the body---- or kind of  .....without the skeleton--- it is coming soon

Preparing for our Roman Feast - the end or the Roman Empire

We are ready - just waiting on our guests

Still waiting.......

\Our guests has arrived

Welcome to our Roman Feast.

Making another mosaic.... a bit more tricky..

All done

Ancient weaving....

Working on our art
Eating my paint
The colour wheel
Love painting.... and eating it.

Pi day and we made everything Pi....

We are learning about Mozart right now. This is one of his opera's that Jac drew.  

Learning about the illumination of manuscripts and how the monks copied all the bibles

The kidneys!

Learning to play chess

Jac is still involved in the cub scouts and sometimes loves it and other times think he has been there enough.  I keep pushing him to go...

Showing off the Robotic hand he made.

Jac got third place in the rain gutter regatta. 

I took over the Girl Scouts this year... it was a slow start but we are getting there now. This was the first meeting

Girl scout sleepover in February.

Beading and Jeweler badge

Working on our cooking badge

Working on the gardening badge

Making fairy gardens

Working on Forensics badge

The kids went to the museum with some friends

Watching a movie together... with duck face

Preparing dinner

Playing handball with the neigbour's daughter.. Playing for Metalurg

Spending Christmas together

Having fun in the snow

Ice skating.

supporting day for down syndrome with odd socks

Spending time with my friend

Yay it is Spring

Soooo tired

First day of official spring...... snowing again!

Ok this was a quick update- hope I will post sooner than later.  Have another two weeks of school left then going on our spring break!