Thursday, February 5, 2015

Homeschooling in Macedonia

Well we are in our 3rd week of homeschooling.
We have moved to Macedonia and had a month just settling in. We started in January (same as South African Schools)  So now I have one child in grade 5, one in grade 2 and one in grade R.

I sometimes wonder how those super families do it with 8 children and 2 that are special needs, and then they do sports and bake and even have a veggie garden!

I am struggling to get through the day.  We are busy doing 3 languages. Afrikaans, English and we started with Macedonian.

I have decided to do My Father's World curriculum again this year. I love it. We are doing Countries and Cultures which fit in well with our new country we moved to.

We named our school " Global School".  Jac wanted his own class name so we did that at well. He is in the "Rocket Class".

For English We are doing Learning Laguage Arts Through Litrature. I decided to to First Language English and moved them down one grade level

Here are some of the work they have done the past 3 weeks.

Reading Chart

Coup Sticks of the Sioux trib - Telling stories (Neo-Rie)

Jac has a lot of stories

Zane's stories

Artwork by Jac

We are doing two differrent types of Art this year, the one is  Global Art, where you do things spesific to a country for example the paper men holding hands is for all the nations in the world.
The other art we are doing is the "I can do all things" art book where the kids learn to draw and how to hold their brush and about colouring and shading.

We have a lot of worksheets about the world and also for Science.  The first 2 weeks we focused on the world and now we are visiting North America. First the USA, we have a passport and everything.

 Here are some of the books we are using - the kids love it. And I love teaching it.

Jac is busy with Grade R
 With Jac I am doing 3 things right now.  Regular Grade R (South African curriculum) the My Father's World curriculum with his brother and sister and for English we are doing Letterland.

I am also still doing his SNAP program with him ( Special Needs Adaptive Programme)  Sometimes I do not get to everything and this stresses me out a bit.

I have decided to use visual schedules for all the children - it makes it so much easier.  This is kind of a like a PECS file that they use for kids with Autism, so I am using it with all my children, now Jac does not feel like he is the only one with a visual schedule

Even our daily routine is visual

This is our logo for school and Jac's new classroom

Just some photos of our classroom/dinning room.

Our wold cake made with added banana and carrots

We are excited about the new year ahead and will post more as we learn about all the countries and continents and the people living there.


  1. I also live in Macedonia and was considering homeschooling my 8 year old daughter because she's not doing well in school, but the teacher told me it's illegal to homeschool here. How have you managed it?

    1. If you are a foreigner you are allowed to homeschool, or even if you are married to a foreigner is my understanding. It is only illegal for citizens to homeschool. Hope this helps you

  2. Hi there my name is Esma Selmani . I also recently moved to Macedonia. I have enrolled my kids into a private school in Struga, Macedonia. I am having an issue with the school system and the curriculum. Our whole family are citizens of Macedonia, but we lived our lives in the US. Do you think home school would be a possibility for us?

  3. We are considering moving to Macedonia and already home school our children. Am I right in understanding that home schooling is legal for foreigners in Bulgaria?
    I wonder as well if you are finding other families to hang out with?
    Very impressed with the lovely learning going on Gina.
